Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things are not exactly going my way right now!!!

So,School is really stressful right now, but it is not the work or studying. It is a class mate!!! You know, the kind of person that does whatever it takes to get attention? My nerves are just about shot. This class mate is loud, obnoxious, and just plain annoying. She has to talk constantly, taps her foot during exams very loudly, starts singing while sounding horrible, and brings a lot of personal drama into the class room. This may sound very badly right now, but I almost hope she will fail out of the program, just so the rest of us can have some peace and quiet. I swear, I am not a bad person, but she just brings out the worse in me. I am working very hard all day to just hold my tongue and focus on other things, to block her out. I know if I say something, or show that she is getting my attention she wins. So, if you are praying to God, or at this point I take any higher power, pray for me to keep my cool, and to be able to just block her out.

With knitting I have nothing new to report. Currently I am just not in the knitting mood. My heart beats again for quilting. I decided to add on another row on my Buckeye Beauty, to make it into a Queen sized quilt. I hope to get some quilting time in tonight, and for the rest of the week. I would really love to have the top finished, so I can quilt it on the Quilt Retreat at the end of the month. This is my plan so far, after dinner I will study for tomorrows exam, and then I want to quilt and see if I can get these blocks I have sewn together, and perhaps start on the new blocks.


  1. Bianca, I think every class has someone like that. Sometimes the teacher can control the student but not always. People like that can really be disruptive to the learning process. I wish I had a magically solution for you but I don't. I will say a prayer that you be given the patience to deal with this person.

    1. Carolyn,
      Thank you, I apreciate your prayers. I know I just have to find a way of dealing with it. I will encounter people like that most likely in my future job. So to learn to block her out will be beneficial. Some days she just gets on my nerves more than on others.

  2. I can understand that we have a gal at work like that, can really give you a headache at times. I'll say a few prayers for you, hopefully you won't have to deal with her next semester. Hope it all goes better for you soon.
