Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Under what rock have I been hiding?

I have been gone from my blog a long time, and have absolutely nothing to show for. Oh, I have been quilting and knitting, but just nothing is finished.

I finally unpacked my sewing stuff from my last Quilt-Retreat I was on in September. Yes, I was not even in the mood to set my sewing machine back up. But I have been hand-quilting at church on Friday's. We are working on my Patriotic Throw. I am hoping to get quilting some more again, and maybe get something accomplished.

I also have been knitting, just nothing finished. I have several sweaters half way, and in some cases more than half way done. I am also knitting another pair of socks, from a kal (knit-a-long).

But I do have a plan to solve this conundrum I am in. I plan on knitting, and sewing for 30 minutes each day. I have to see how I will work it into my schedule when school starts again next week. But I think I can handle school, studying, knitting, quilting, and housework. Other women do every day, and after all, it is all about priorities. I fear time for me was just not on the top of the list. I also think it might be good to limit my time on the computer again. During my break now, I noticed how I spent more and more time each day on the computer, instead on things I really wanted to do. Here is a promise to myself. I will make time for myself each day and do what pleases me for just a little while.

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