School has absolutely taken over my life. There seems to be little time for other things. I have not quilted a stitch, or knitted since starting school. The only reading I get done are the Text Books. I am constantly exhausted. But there is a silver lining on the horizon. I am making good grades, and I am enjoying it immensely. I am already dreaming of the future, and wonder where I will get a job at. I am hoping hospital right now, but that might change over the course of the next year, and I also have to see if I receive any offers from somewhere.
Besides dreaming of the future, and working toward the realization of those dreams, my husband and I decorated the front yard last weekend. We grew these pumpkins ourselves, and are pretty proud of them.

I am about ready to call it a night here. So I will keep this short, but will update again soon. Hopefully I have some pictures to show of something I accomplished. Otherwise I might have to scan in my graded papers to show off. But who wants to see that? LOL